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Saturday, 23 November 2013

Audience Classes

Audience Classes/Groups


Group A

In Group A the people are the most upper classed people out of the whole group system as they have the best payed jobs you can have on the plaint.
.Well paid professionals

Group B

In Group B the people in this group are a lower class then from Group A, Fairly well paid professionals
.Middle management

Group C1

Group C1 is lower class then Group B white collar professions
.Junior management
.Bank clerks

Group C2

Group C2 is a lower class then the group above, Blue collar professions

Group D

Group D is a lower class to the ones above.
.Manual workers such as:
.Post sorters 

Group E

Group E is a lower class then the ones above, this group is amed at childeren

Friday, 22 November 2013

Classification Of Films

The Classification 

we have all seen these symbols before but do you know why they are used and what is different between each one.

What is the bbfc?-The bbfc is company that has curtain guide lines for every film that is been made, they watch the film and decide what age rating it is by going with their guide lines for each class and if it breaks the classification of one of the classes then in lies in another class in there system. The guide lines are formed from years of research asking anyone what should be in a film for children, teenagers and adults.

Now its your turn to decide what rating you thing is given to theses films below 

1. Wanted 


3.Skyfall (James Bond)

4.The Iron Giant


Post you answers in a comment and i will upload the correct answers in a week

Thursday, 21 November 2013



Films rated 18 are for adults. No-one under 18 is allowed to see an 18 film at the cinema or buy/rent an 18 rated DVD. No 18 rated works are suitable for children.

What should be in the classification of the 18 class and what should not be in the classification:

Basically everything that the other classifications say isn't allowed in this it is allowed, but the sex section has limits though.

Sex education at ‘18

Where sex material genuinely seeks to inform and 
educate in matters such as human sexuality, safer 
sex and health, explicit images of sexual activity may 
be permitted.

Sex works at ‘18’

Sex works are works whose primary purpose is sexual
arousal or stimulation. Sex works containing only material
which may be simulated are generally passed ‘18’. Sex
works containing clear images of real sex, strong fetish
material, sexually explicit animated images, or other 
very strong sexual images will be confined to the ‘R18’
category. Material which is unacceptable in a sex work 

at ‘R18’ is also unacceptable in a sex work at ‘18’.




No-one under 15 is allowed to see a 15 film at the cinema or buy/rent a ‘15’ rated DVD.  15 rated works are not suitable for children under 15 years of age

What should be in the classification of the 15 class and what should not be in the classification:


The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory 
language or behavior.


Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not
promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily
accessible and highly dangerous substances for example,
aerosols or solvents is unlikely to be acceptable.


Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic 
or sexualised.
Imitable behavior
Dangerous behavior for example, hanging, suicide and
self-harming should not dwell on detail which could be
copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorized.


There may be frequent use of strong language for example,
‘fuck’. The strongest terms for example, ‘c***' may be
acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated
use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.


Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without
strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a 
non-sexual or educational context.


Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail.
There may be strong verbal references to sexual behavior,
but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable
unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is
sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.


No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is 
appropriate for 15 years old.


Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction
of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to
be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also
unlikely to be acceptable. 
There may be detailed verba references to sexual violence
but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and
have a strong contextual justification.



The 12 certificate is just for videos, DVDs and Blu-rays. 12A is for films at the cinema only

What should be in the classification of the 12/12A class and what should not be in the classification:


Discriminatory language or behavior must not be
endorsed by the work as a whole. Aggressive 
discriminatory language or behavior is unlikely 
to be acceptable unless clearly condemned.


Any misuse of drugs must be infrequent and should 
not be glamorized or give instructional detail.


Moderate physical and psychological threat may be 
permitted, provided disturbing sequences are not 
frequent or sustained.
Imitable behavior
Dangerous behavior for example, hanging, suicide and
self-harming should not dwell on detail which could be
copied, or appear pain or harm free. Easily accessible
weapons should not be glamorized.


Moderate language is allowed. The use of strong 
language for example, ‘fuck’ must be infrequent.


Nudity is allowed, but in a sexual context must be brief
and discreet.


Sexual activity may be briefly and discreetly portrayed.
Sex references should not go beyond what is suitable for
young teenagers. Frequent crude references are unlikely
to be acceptable.


Mature themes are acceptable, but their treatment must
be suitable for young teenagers.


Moderate violence is allowed but should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood,
but occasional gory moments may be permitted if 
justified by the context.
Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly and 
discreetly indicated, and must have a strong contextual



PG stands for Parental Guidance. A PG film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older

What should be in the classification of the PG class and what should not be in the classification:


Discriminatory language or behavior is unlikely to 
be acceptable unless clearly disapproved of or in an
educational or historical context. Discrimination by 
a character with which children can readily identify 
is unlikely to be acceptable.


References to illegal drugs or drug misuse must be
innocuous or carry a suitable anti-drug message.


Frightening sequences should not be prolonged or
intense. Fantasy settings may be a mitigating factor.
Imitable behavior
No detail of potentially dangerous behavior which
young children are likely to copy. No realistic or easily accessible weapons.


Mild bad language only.
Natural nudity, with no sexual context.


Sexual activity may be implied, but should be 
discreet and infrequent. Mild sex references and 
innuendo only.


Where more serious issues are feature nothing in their treatment should 
condone unacceptable behavior. 


Moderate violence, without detail, may be allowed,
if justified by its context.



The Universal symbol means that it is subtitle for all ages young or all.

What should be in the classification of the Universal class and what should not be in the classification:


No discriminatory language or behaviour unless
clearly disapproved of.


No references to illegal drugs or drug misuse unless
they are infrequent and innocuous, or there is a clear
educational purpose or anti-drug message suitable
for young children.


Scary sequences should be mild, brief and unlikely to

cause undue anxiety to young children. The outcome
should be reassuring.

Imitable behaviour


No potentially dangerous behaviour which young
children are likely to copy. No emphasis on realistic
or easily accessible weapons.



Infrequent use only of very mild bad language.


Occasional natural nudity, with no sexual context.


Mild sexual behaviour (for example, kissing) and

references only (for example, to ‘making love’).


While problematic themes may be present, their

treatment must be sensitive and appropriate for
young children.



Mild violence only. Occasional mild threat or

menace only.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

The Ward Title Sequence Analys

The Ward

Setting-The main title of the film is shot in a hallway of a hospital or asylum with lightning flashing in the background this could indicate that this is a horror of a scary film, with the darkness of the shot means that this is a dark film. The main title sequence shows image of old fashion ways of trying to fix the mentally disabled which is then destroyed in a shatter form like window shatters , basically there is no sense of setting in the main sequence as it is just image sand a black back ground.

Props-The only props as such there is only images of old techniques of trying to help people that are in need of help in asylums but these techniques were also used as ways of torture, window shatters are a prop as the producers had it experiment with different ways of window shatter this could show that the film is going to be about someone shattering or stopping what is going on in this asylum where it seem to be based in as It is at the beginning of the first shot in the opening sequence . the images are mostly in black a white which shows how long ago the uses of this type of technique was used which was only 80 years ago which isn't that long but the images still could indicate that some of the techniques still happen today.

Lighting-The title sequence is in a low key light. The dark colour makes it more scary and makes the audience unclear of what is going on with the images the colour of the images makes it look like the images have been taking  from a long time ago also with the torture technique tell the audience that it is set in the late 20th century so this film will be a period film so we the audience hope that the director can make the film as realistic to the time period as possible to make it feel true. The light could also indicate that the film is dark with the black back ground which represents; power , mystery , evil , death , so this means at least one of these themes will most likely to be shown in this film.

Costume and Make up- Some of these images i would say that they are original from the period where they were taken but some of them couldn't been reproduced so the actors in the film could be in it, if the director did replicate them and put his actors in the image then that would show the audience that the character is a part of the asylum and needs this treat meant for some reason. The images that you see in this section are the one i think could not be replicated as one of them is an old drawing and it is in the style of the time period when it was created.

The photos that are in this section I’d say that they have been replicated, so the
director could put a contrast between the two so that they would match and that
they would not all the same type of photograph. With the makeup I would say
that they had none on so it would make them look more scary and people think
they look horrible without make up so that would come across as horrifying to
female audience members who always puts makeup on to hide themselves to feel
comfortable. The costume I would say be hard to get the right material so it
looked like the original photos so the director could get the authenticity of
the clothing.

How does the title sequence attract an audience’s interest?

What do you consider to be the target audience of the film and why?

The target audience is people who like John carpenter’s work as a writer and a director and people 
who like to watch horror movies, or someone who wants to be scared for a change.

John Carpenter– Is a film director, screenwriter, producer, editor and composer he has won 13 Awards and has been nominated for another 18 Awards. Carpenter is the creator of the legendary characters such as; Michael Myers (Halloween which won 3 awards and was nominated for another 2), Snake Plissken (Escape From New York and Escape From L.A. which together got 6 nominations). Carpenter is well known for great work with his fantastic story lines but he isn’t just a great writer he also is a great director, he has directed some of his own written work in films like; Halloween , The Fog , Escape From New York and Escape From L.A. and many more of his written work. He don’t only direct his own work he directs many other peoples work for example; The Thing (1982) which is written by Bill Lancaster but it is more recognised for Carpenter directing it. Carpenter have made films that are now being called Cult Classics;Dark Space (1974), Assault on Precinct 13 (1976), The Fog (1980), The Thing (1982), Starman (1984), Big Trouble in Little China (1986) and They Live(1988). This is my reason why the target audience may be a big fan of his work or people who have heard of his work and want to see what everyone is talking about.

Monday, 11 November 2013

My First Try To Analyse Open Titles Of A Film

The Opening Title Sequence To The
Setting-the setting seems to be in a dark room so the person does not destroy the photos with the natural light of the sun but uses artificial light, so this can tell us that the setting could be in a dark room and the person is a photographer or even a person who takes care of his/her belongings.
Props-there where very little use of props in the title sequence of the Conjuring as there where only old photos with the uses of overlays, old news papers. The impression of the photos could tell the audience that this could be set in a historical time or even a person just looking through their family photos. On the photos and news papers there where writing on it that says ‘ghost hunters gives second lecture here’ this indicates that the film might contain ghosts or a story tied in with ghosts. The colour of the photos shows that the film could be dark with a hero represented by the white, this is also a low key light that is created by artificial light of the light box that the person is putting the photos on. The overlays a really cleaver because it brings in something different to the image like for instance the image of the tree and the house. 
The image is already dark and mysterious with the big old house which is stereotypical in the minds of people who have not watched a lot of horror films, the tree just makes the image more creepy and airy. The house is the main setting as it is in most of the images throughout the title sequences this suggests that the nightmare of the film will lie in the building, when the overlay comes over it makes the image even more darker.

When the overlay is revealed to shows a noose hanging from the tree to show that this place could be where they of lynched people or it could be the place where the killers kill their victims, this could send shivers down the audiences spines to set the feeling of the film and setting.

When the image of the doll pops up I think it is supposed to make the audience jump with it being a old beaten doll that hasn't aged very well with the eyes been carved on, this could be an early warning to what might be happen in the film, the doll could be a symbol or even a big part of the film, it could have something to do with the plot of the film.

Lighting-The lighting is low key and the light that is being produced is artificial from the light box that the person is placing the photos on. The lighting creates the atmosphere that the film will be full of fear with the music which helps create tension as the shadow of the images appear when the person changes them , the shadows on each photo contains it own mystery e.g.

You can see the image of a body hiding from the light by staying to the shadows which creates mystery and makes the audience question why is that person hiding from the light?.
Movement-The movement of the person that is flipping over the photos on the light box with gracefulness show that this person takes care with old objects and paper work , this person could be going through the photos as it could be evidence of a cold case that a detective could be going through because something might have happened in the same place or was killed in the same style as an old victim.
Framing-The framing was all the same the photos was always in the centre of the frame as it is the most important part of the title sequence as the images are a key part of the film as it sets the scene and tells the audience the history of the place. 

Saturday, 9 November 2013



Questionnaires can be very helpful when considering the audience of the horror films: they show which groups of people prefer which sub-genres as well as suggest interesting ideas of the horror genre viewers. This is my and Rebeka  first attempt to creating a questionnaire. It's quite brief and basic but it gave us the idea of how to properly design appealing questions to receive relevant results. It can be found HERE.

Here is another questionnaire that someone in the class did as we all needed to create one. This one was created by Harry and Jess, i like it because it is an easy questionnaire to complete anyone could answer it even if you didn't do media. If you want to take a look your self then CLICK HERE