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Friday, 31 January 2014

Specieal Effects


As I am doing the special effects then I needed to make the blood for the scene when the Woman slashes the Farmers leg.
This is the ingredients that I used to make the fake blood:
Red, Blue and Green food colouring 
Golding syrup
Chocolate Source 
Corn Flower 

If you would like to know how to make your own fake blood then Click Here.

This is a test pot as I have never made fake blood before in my life so I needed to experiment with it and it came out really well for my first go at it. The colour came out great and the texture is the way I wanted it to be.

As you can see I was experimenting with the fake blood to see how it would look on skin and it looks really good if I do say so myself.
I also wanted to see how the blood looked on a knife as we are going to be using the knife to make the blood come out of the ice cube bag that I have put the blood in.

The reason why the fake blood is in ice cube bags is because they are flexible so it would be easy to wrap round Louis leg for it to be slashed by a knife. This is going to be dangerous to do but I will be putting cardboard behind the bag so the knife doesn't actually cut Louis's leg when we are filming it.  

Monday, 27 January 2014

Screenplay Changed

Changed Screenplay

The screenplay has changed due to the change to the location where we are going to be filming it, the original screenplay is Here
Lewis Barnard
Jack Whyatt
Edited By
Lewis Barnard

FAde In:
The farmer is in a van, he turns off the lights of the van and gets out opens the side door and the Woman is laying knocked out on the floor of the van, the Farmer picks her up then opens the barn door and switches on the lights. He places his victim onto a chair and ties her up, her arms are tied behind her and her legs are tied to the chair legs. The farmer pushes out a trolley with the tools on it and he put them in size order. He turns to the woman.
Do you want to be with me?
The farmer turns back to the trolley and continues placing the props on the table in size order.
What…… what do you mean?
The farmer stops putting the props in size order and turns around.
Do you want to be with me…… do you love me?
What happens to me if I say no I don’t want to be with you and I don’t love you?
Then I would have to get rid of you, but if you say yes then we can live together and spend the rest of our lives together. So what is it a yes or is it a no? (He pauses for a reply but no reply) I take that as a no then?
The farmer turns back to his trolley and continues to put the props in size order. The Woman looks around the room at the props around the place. The Farmer turns around with a prop knife in his right hand.
          (Stares at the knife slowly start’s    
        to hyperventilate shouts) YES I LOVE YOU                                    
The Farmer drops the prop knife and run round the Woman on the chair and unties her she jumps for the knife (still attached to the chair) but can’t reach it. The Farmer starts to walk over to her, she is crawling along the floor to get the prop knife, the Farmer grabs her and slowly picks her up (by the chair) The woman slashes the farmers left leg he falls to the ground,  she starts to untie herself then stands up and opens the barn door and runs off.
 The Woman leaves the barn.
The Farmer struggles to get on his feet and with the aid of a prop he gets himself up.
You fucking Bitch, just you wait until I get you. All I wanted was us to be together but now you’ve blown it. Now…… now I have to get rid of you. Why…… why would you do such a thing, you Bitch.
The field
The Woman is standing in the mud path looking around for help. The Farmer grabs a torch and stars limping in search of the woman.
(Mumbling to himself)
Oh, where have you been, Billy boy, Billy boy?
Oh, where have you been, Charming Billy?
I have been to seek a wife, she’s the joy of my whole life,
But she’s a young thing and cannot leave her Mother.
The Woman turned around, She continued to walk in the opposite direction of the farm.
The third time she turned around the light was off.


The Farmer limps slowly towards the Woman, Woman sees the Farmer with the torch in one hand and the prop in the other. The woman runs in opposite direction and trips over some rocks, she tries to craw away.

Farmer approaches the woman and hits her over the head with the prop.


Fade out

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Costume (Woman)

The Woman

The woman will be wearing a business wear clothing as this will show the audience that the Farmer has gone out into the real world to fine this victim which is a woman from the city. She was walking home from work when he grabbed her that's why she is in a business type clothing. 

 The woman will be wearing something like this for her coat/jacket as she is from a wealthy back ground as she has a leather coat.
She is wearing this because she was taken from the city when she was walking home from work when the Farmer took her.
The reason why she has this coat is to show the audience that there is normal civilisation in this world of the film compared to what the farmer wears this makes him look poor.
The woman whoring a top like the Patton and colour but couldn't find a image of just a top like this so the image is of a dress.
The top goes well with the jacket that she is wearing as the woman is a very organised person.
The colour red represents blood as their is some blood shed in the opening titles.
The Woman is wearing blue jeans as she wears them for her in the city. The jeans are commonly worn as in the city people wear jeans on a day to day basis as the city is a every populated compared to wear she is when she wakes up in a barn with a farmer in front of her.
The Woman will be wearing shoes something like the ones shown on the left. They are business like depending on where she works in the city. The shoes where chosen as she would have problems to run from the Farmer on the mud on the farm that the location is set at.

Costume (Farmers)


The Farmer

The Farmer will be wearing jeans that have been uses on many occasions so they will look dirty and ragged with blood, dirt and oil marks on the jeans as the Farmer works on a farm and does a lot of mechanical work on tractors and combine harvesters that's why he is dirty and oily. This also shows that he doesn't really change his clothes this also indicates that he either has no money or he has no other clothes yet.

Bloody Shirt
His shirt will be a white with tea stains, blood and oil marks that have been absorbed by the material. I would like it to look something like this as it looks like the Farmer has been killing animals. This shirt also looks like the person hasn't took it off for a number of weeks this would make the film more realistic as the Farmer as he got good house hold skills as his parents left him to live on the farm himself at the age of 14.

ImageThe Farmer will be wearing a mask as well to hide his identity form the Woman he had taken from the city. The mask we are hoping to make is something like the scarecrow form the film Batman Begins, the reason why is because it relates to the Farmer living on the farm so he is used to making scarecrows to keep the birds of his crops. We will need a old woven bag then I am going to cut a eye hole out to see and make a mouth hole and do long stitches across the mouth, I might put more holes in it to show age and some of then have been sown up but not properly. 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

My Production Name

I Have Created My Own Production Name For My Film, The Name For My Production is 579 Productions 

The only problem with is that it has the name of the software that I had used to make this which I don't want on my final video, so I need to fine a editing software that I can recreant this.

The Production Company Above

The production company I created will be my own personal one as the others in my group don't like the name because it has numbers in it, so we are creating a new one instead so I came up with another name which was Last Cut Productions which had already been taken by typing it into Google, so we had to think of another one but there was only two of us as the third person of our group was ill. So i came up with another name by myself as Louis could not think of any names for our Production company so I said what about Barn Productions, he liked the sound of it but we didn't use it.
When we was on the computer I tried think of more names which I did: Eye Productions, Red Eye Productions, Last Tooth Productions, and Louis was still not producing any names for the company.
So today 24/1/14 I had another great name for our production company which was First Blood Productions, which was I would say the best name I had come up with, Jack Whyatt my Executive Producer thinks the name of the new Company suits the theme of our film well.  

Monday, 20 January 2014



We are going to have the credits rolling on the screen when the opening sequence is plating, I am going to try and get the credits to blend in with the colour on screen so it will make it feel more like a film which is what i am aiming for in this finaly task for my course.

The Credits in my edit of the film will have :

Louis Chamberlain

Beth Eaglen

Directed By Lewis Barnard

Produced By Lewis Barnard

Executive Producer Jack Whyatt

Camera Man Jack Whyatt & Lewis Barnard

Director Of Photography Lewis Barnard

Music By Jack Whyatt

Screenplay By Lewis Barnard & Jack Whyatt

Story Created By Lewis Barnard

Story Board By Jack Whyatt & Louis Chamberlain

Special Effects By Lewis Barnard

Costume Design Lewis Barnard & Jack Whyatt & Louis Chamberlain

Set Design Lewis Barnard & Louis Chamberlain

Sound Recording Jack Whyatt

Edited By Lewis Barnard

Saturday, 18 January 2014

The Actors


Name: Louis Chamberlain

Age: 17

Height: 6 Ft

Build: Slim

Eye: Colour: Light Blue

Hair: Colour: Brown

Acting Experiences: Has no acting experience at all but he would like to be in the film that is being produced at the moment.

Notes: He has the right build and is the right height for the Farmers role in the film. I am going to give him the chance in the film, I can help him with the acting processes as I am doing AS Performing Arts so I could show him how to make his character better. 

Name: Beth Eaglen

Age: 16


Build: Slim/Skinny

Eye: Colour: Blue

Hair: Colour: Blond 

Acting Experiences: Has had a lot of experience she has performed in many School Musicals and is also doing a AS in performing arts and has been to a acting school.

Notes: Beth fits the Woman part perfectly as she is smaller then the killer and he natural hair colour is blond so we don't need to tie her hair. As she is a AS performing arts student she could also help Louis to get into role better if he needs help.

Crew List

The Crew

Me and Jack have worked well on previous tasks such as the Preliminary Task, we both learnt how to use the camera really well and how to edit. Jack liked to use the camera so he is being the camera man for this task, I will be Just the Director this time as from the Preliminary Task it is hard to be an actor and Direct at the same time, so Louis is a new member of our group as me a jack was just working together but Louis wanted to be part of the group and we let him for this task so Louis is one of the main characters in the opening sequence. We also have a close friend of mine being the other main character in the film she is a good actor and she fits the part well that is why she is going to be in the film.

Director-Lewis Barnard (Me)
Camera Man-Jack Whyatt

Farmer-Louis Chamberlain
Woman-Beth Eaglen

Shooting Schedule

D / N

Inside the barn, where the main open sequence takes place           

Farmer, Woman, Director, Camera man


Outside of the barn, this is where the begging of the sequence will be shot with the van          
Farmer, Woman, Director, Camera man


The woman running away from the Farmer that will be running after her, Woman running out of the barn 
Woman, Director, Camera man           



The Farmer in the barn getting up with the help from the axe           
Farmer, Director, Camera man          


On the farm, The Woman running down a dirt path way           
Woman, Director, Camera man          



 The Barn,The Farmer limping a long to find the woman           
Farmer, Director, Camera man          


Dirt path, the Farmer limping after the Woman          
Farmer, Director, Camera man         



Dirt path, Farmer finally gets the Woman           
Farmer, Woman, Director, Camera man          

Friday, 17 January 2014

Our Target Audience

Target Audience

I have created a questionnaire that has some questions on it that ask about what type of film do you watch, age and what film you have watched recently. If you wish to take the Questionnaire then please Click Here.
The target audience is really important as this will help with the sales of the films being released, this also increases popularity for a certain age group. The age group is important because if you get the wrong age group on your product then it could be dis-appropriate as if  product is not suitable for the right age E.G.
Saw which is a certificate 18 as it contains blood, guts and gore which is not what young children should be watching at the age of 7, as it could mentally scare the child for life.
Today we know that the new generation of teenagers like to watch more horror films more then the older generations because we like the thrill of being scared and frightened.
We have decided that the right age for our Horror film is a Certificate 15, as our horror film will consist of swearing and a bit of gore in some scenes. We know that the age group is correct because we did some research on BBFC about Classifications of ages Click Here To See Certificate 15

 Research From My Questionnaire

This is the age table to show me who is more likely to watch horror films, to see what age 
is most popular. The most popular age is between 15-17. It looks like it was a great idea to make a film that is suitable for the age of 15 and above.

There is a very strong trend showing that most of the people who answered the questionnaire that they all mostly said that horror films are set a night, with this information we could make some changes to the time we need to film this but its ok because he had already got our time right for the time of day we are going to be filming this  

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Silentium Main Title

This is the main title that is in portant to the whole opening sequence as this tells the audienc e what the film is called and that this is the start of the film. I made this on Adobe Premiere Elements 8, this program is what we are going to be editing our movie oppening with. The program is ok but it isnt able to do things that you what it to do so it dues get frustrating now and then but all you have to do is to learn to like it.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Silentium Location


 The Barn 

This is an Picture that i took with my camera of the barn that we are going to be using for our main shooting of the film. we will be using the door on the right to slide open and close for the characters to enter and to exit throughout the opening sequence of Silentium.


The Route That The Woman Is Going To Take When Being Chased By The Farmer 

As you may have seen on my earlier post that there has been a change of plan when it comes down to the chase scene in our opening sequence, This now where the Woman is going to run, she is going to run down the side of this metal container as we will have the house in the shot we originally wanted to have but we didn't what the woman or the audience feel like she souled of run into the house which would of been the logical way, so if we didn't show the audience the house then she had no where else to run to.
When the Woman comes out the other side of the metal container she will run thought the trees that are right behind the container onto mud which will slow down the Woman trying to get away from the Killer.
As you can see the trees right behind the metal container.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Our Title For Silentium

Our Title For Silentium


We have been trying out different fonts for our opening title sequence as you can see from the image above I have tried 3 different fonts which where: Heather BTN, Chillier and Roman, they were all where set as Black oak wide white 43, and the size to be regular as it looks great at the size it is now. We couldn’t decide what colour to have it in so I did some in white and some in red with the blend of black with it to create the blood like colour but I think we are sticking with the white one as it will stand out more from the black background as you can see for yourself above.
We are going to be using the first white one closest to the top left hand corner of the image which is the Heather BTN in Black oak wide white 43, with the regular size. the reason why we have chosen this particular font is because it looks like a child has made it and our killer in our film is a Farmer who is deranged in the head, he was isolated in one place which was on the farm he was brought up on and had never lived anywhere else he has had no education only the knowledge of the farm and what to do on a farm. We also chose this font as it looks unusual and creepy; it looks like it has been carved poorly onto a tree which gives it age.

Font Analysing

Roadkill Regular

The font is in Caps throughout the name of the film, the letters look like it has been dug up and parts of it hadn’t been damaged that could be the reason why there are white bits on the letters as it has fallen apart when it had been dug up as this could tell us as the audience that the characters in the film are all not completely sane and might have a problem with them. The white parts of the title could also suggest that the victim is pure as white symbolises as untouched as it is a neutral colour as it is un touched and is not a dirty colour.
Poltergeist Regular
 The fount looks like it is being played on a TV that has no signal and is on static like the film The ring when the TV flickers between the static and the image of the well where the girl craws out from. it gives us as the audience the chills as it is un nerving to see.

Location (Inside the barn) And Props

The Photos Here Are From 5pm On Wards

The Barn Space

The first two pictures are the space we have to film our main scene when the Woman is tied up to a chair and the Farmer sorting out his tools in size order whilst talking to the Woman about binging with him. I like this shot as it has the right lighting for the film as i can change the lighting in the room from one light to five lights on to make more light for the camera.
The Work Bench  

The picture on the left is where the bench is but it is a problem as we would not be able to get a camera over there in position plus there are other things in the way to get the shot I need for the film so this has been changed, instead of having a bench that is only in one place (shown on the right) we are going to have a trolley so the Farmer can push it round the trailer that is hiding it this would bring more attention to the audience as they would what to see what is on it and why he is using it for.


 The two pictures above are some experimental shots so i can see where would be a good place to put the camera to get the shot i need for the film when filming, we didnt have a knife around the barn but we had a big spaner to represent the knife. The shots are from to different sides the one on the left is from behind the Farmer to show the knif that would be going to kill her with and the second shot on the left is from the Woman view when sidding on the chair waiting for her fate to come.
The Axe


All four images above are from the main murder weapon that the Farmer uses to kill his victims with, it is along one as we said we was going to use, its old so it shows that it has been used quite a lot of times shown by the ageing of the blade and the wood to be a bit dull than normal.
I was also experimenting with the camera that I had to hand, I really liked the bottom two that I took because the one on the bottom left was an accident but it looks quite cool and the one on the bottom right was with the flash on it makes the axe look more sinister with the colour of it.
The Chair

The pictures above show the chair that we are going to use for the Woman who will be tied to it by the Farmer, I also was experimenting with the camera again with a low angle to make the chair look bigger and menacing.