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Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Font Analysing

Roadkill Regular

The font is in Caps throughout the name of the film, the letters look like it has been dug up and parts of it hadn’t been damaged that could be the reason why there are white bits on the letters as it has fallen apart when it had been dug up as this could tell us as the audience that the characters in the film are all not completely sane and might have a problem with them. The white parts of the title could also suggest that the victim is pure as white symbolises as untouched as it is a neutral colour as it is un touched and is not a dirty colour.
Poltergeist Regular
 The fount looks like it is being played on a TV that has no signal and is on static like the film The ring when the TV flickers between the static and the image of the well where the girl craws out from. it gives us as the audience the chills as it is un nerving to see.

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