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Saturday 15 March 2014

Evaluation 1

 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

Mise En Scene

Costume: The costumes in the opening title sequence had change throughout the process of the pre-production of this project. The axed killer has bandages around his head, we wanted the audience to keep guessing throughout the film who it could be which work from the responses of the target audience. The bandages also can suggest to the audience he could be recovering from a previous injury. That's why the bandages are white to show that the way he got them on his head was through nothing bad which is why they are white not any other colour. The high vis coat is what he wears on a daily bases as he works out around farms so he needs to be seen at night, he wears jeans as they are a strong material with blood stains on them, to show that he also kills animals or any life stock on his farm.
The man on the other hand is all in black which tells us that he is bringing death with him, this can also show that he is stronger as in other horror films there is always one wearing black who is always stronger than the others.

Setting: The setting was an easy place to get when in the pre-production side of the project. The dark dingy barn was the best place to put a horror film as it has the right atmosphere to put a horror film with all the dangerous equipment and tools in the barn. The reason why we didn't show the outside of the barn as we want to make the audience confused with the guy who is tied up, as this is the antagonist main home so it would make the guy feel uncomfortable with the audience as they both don't know anything about the place, by using the barn it made it feel more realistic as we didn't needed to make anything with our own hands or with CGI technology.

Props: the main items that where used were; Sack, Chair, Rope, Axe, Trolley. The items that I listed where the most important as the chair was needed to have the protagonist to be restrained to with the rope and the sack over his head to show the audience that he has been captured by a antagonist. The trolley was used to carry the other no so important props, the trolley was used to create tension between the characters and the audience as they want to know what is on it and what is the use of the props on the trolley. The Axe was the main prop as its the weapon of chose that the antagonist uses to kill his victims with, the axe being able to reach far as it is long tells us that the antagonist must be strong to be able to swing it properly, fast and on target.  

Camera Work 

Angles: The low angle that was used for the point of view shot of the protagonist, as he is about to be killed by the antagonist standing over him shows that he is more superior and dominate over the protagonist. Most of the angles where low as I wanted to show the power of the antagonist even though he was shorter than the protagonist.

Shots: I tried use hole rage of different shots with the cameras that we had but with the response that I got from the target audience about on particular shot which was the point of view shot as they said you don't get a lout of horror films with the point of view from the protagonist side of things. 
The thing I would do now to improve on the project if I did it again is that I would have another point of view shot from the antagonist eyes.

Movement: There was hardly any camera movement in the opening sequence as there was no need for the camera to be moving but to only to be shaking to show that the protagonist is discombobulated to the new area that he is in.

Editing: The editing I wanted to make it slow so it gets the audience attention for the detail and it will also get the tension building for the audience as they will want to know what's going to happen. 

Lighting & Acting

Lighting: Is one of the key component for the video as it helps to see the characters also it creates the realism of the set that i was using, the barn was filled with different light sources but we font that only using the light to the top left of us was the best place to have our main light source as it made dark points where we could have the killer walk in and out from.

Acting: The acting needed to be good so the audience could believe what is going on, on the screen. If the acting was wooden or the script was written straight forward then the audience could see what will happen next which will drag down the realism of the project. 


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