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Sunday, 16 March 2014

Evaluation 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Character Social Groups In Silentium

The guy from Silentium on the left represents Detective Hoffman from the Saw serious but as more of a lower target audience as Silentium is for audience aged 15 upwards, whilst Saw is aimed at audience aged 18 upwards. Both characters are strong physical and mentally willing to get to their goal. They both are middle classed men, they both have hardly any friends or family so both of them don't really have a social group that they belong to. The audience likes a protagonist that has nothing to lose and is will to do whatever is necessary to get to their goal.

 The two characters above are both the same for their social group as both of them are outsiders/outcasts that have not got any social skills at all as they live out of the way of people that live in towns and city's. The Silentium psycho killer is a toned down version of the guy in Wrong Turn as wrong turn is for audience aged 18 upwards and Silentium is for audience aged 15 upwards. The audience likes character/people that don't live in a normal day to day life and they like seeing them interact with people from towns and city's


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