Search This Blog

Sunday 23 March 2014

Evaluation 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I used Google for all of my searching for my key part of this blog which is my research as it is the best search engine to use for everything as it is the fastest  with the most sights available to use.
The benefits of using Google is that it is fast and it has everything that is linked to the word out are looking for. The down side is the advertisement on the right hand side when you have searched for something it get really annoying. 
This is where I put all my notes from class onto the Internet for other people around the world could have a look which could help them with their studies in media, Blogger is used as it is a need for my course and this is where my teachers can see my progress throughout the year.
The benefit of Blogger is that my teacher can comment on the posts that I have uploaded. The down side is that sometimes it doesn't embed prezi very well.

Internet Explorer
Is the Internet system that I use to access the Internet at school as it is the default setting on the computers. The benefits of this system is that it can access Google and other search engines that help me with my work. The down sound is that it is really slow to search for the thing you are searching for.


I use a computer at school a desktop unit that is in our media class which is where I do most of my blogging and work on. The benefit of using the school's computers is that it had a I5 processor, the processor what makes the PC run fast. The down side to the schools PCs is that it don't have some software that I have at home.


Chrome is the system that I use at home to access the Internet at home with, with chrome also being Google I can navigate around the web easier as the tool bar has everything in need on it. The benefit of chrome is that it is powered by Google this this helps to get to anything that is related to Google faster like: Docs, Gmail and much more. The down side is that the school doesn't use it on their computers.


I use a laptop at home to do my media work as it has everything that is needed to make and edit a video. Plus this is how I get my work done when I'm not at school. The benefit is that I have software that the school doesn't have. The down side is I can't connect to the schools Internet so I can't bring it in a do work.

Is where we all upload our videos to put on our blogs as it is easy to upload them first then put them on our blogs as it is harder to upload them straight to our blogs as we have had problems in the past with it, also we can get feedback from other people around the world. The benefits of Youtube is that people around the world can comment on them. The down side of this is that some people could comment something that has nothing to do with he video.


I used a camera to film Silentium with as we needed use a camera to film it with also the schools one could film in HD which we did do. The benefits of the camera is that I dint have to pay to buy my own as the school had the equipment, also the school's shoots in HD as well. The down side is that the picture sometimes comes out not clear.

Cyberlink Power Director

This is the software that I used to edit my title sequence as it was free with the computer and it is I would say better than the one we have at school as this one is faster and easy to understand and navigate around. The benefit is that I have the free version on my laptop and it is easy to use and learn. The only down side is that if a video is longer than five minutes then a water mark comes on at the end of the video.

Art Of The Title 
This is the website where I got the images from to write analyses from as it has hundreds of films available to look at with director's commentary about how and why they did what they did for their opening title sequence to their films. The benefit of this website is that you can look for films and it would give you the opening sequence or a clip of the film with it would have commentary by the director. The down side is that the site doesn't have every film made on it.

Free Play Music 

This is where I got the music from that I have playing throughout the title sequence of Silentium the web site was friendly as it was powered by YouTube so it was easy to use and understand, some music on there is free or you have to by the copy rights for the music that you would like to use.
The benefit to this website is that you can search for any music you want, the down side is that you might have to pay for the copy rights to the music.

I used Prezi to make some of my posts more creative and interactive with the audience of whoever maybe looking at my blog. The benefit of using Prezi is that you can have your friends connect on one Prezi so they can change thinks and make the prezi better. The down side is that it has a problem to embed itself on to a blogger post.


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