Story Board #1
This is going to be the first scene of the film, the scene will show the Farmer dragging the Woman his victim to his barn that will be in the background as the camera will be focused on the Farmer and the Woman.
This shot shows the Farmer turning on the lights in the barn, the camera will be focused on the switch when the Farmers hand will come in the shot and flick the switch,.
The Woman has been tied up to a chair as shown in the image this is where the Farmer has tied her up and now walking off to the table where he puts his tools in size order. The camera will be focused on the Woman whilst the Farmer is walking towards the camera.
The tools are all layd out on the table ready to be used at any time when necessary, the camera will be shot from above his shoulder looking down at the tools.
The Farmer is hovering his hand out over the tools deciding what one to use, the camera will be either following his had or it will be position in one place then have the Farmers hand come in from the left hand side of the camera over the tools whilst wiggling his fingers.
He notices that one of them is not in the right place and puts it back down then picks it up again to use. the camera will be in the same position as last time.
The Farmer has turned around with the tool that he is going to use on the woman. the camera will be behind the Farmer showing the knife near the Woman's head to show that she will be killed. There will be dialogue exchanged between them.
This is the scene of them talking, the camera will be changing between them with reverse shots from both characters.

The Farmer is taking the rope off her hands her as she had agreed to be with him, the camera will be focused on the rope and the Farmer untying the Woman.
The Woman shown has jumped for the knife that the Farmer had dropped, the camera will be behind the woman and you will see her jump for the knife.
The Woman has stabbed the Farmer and is making a run for it, the camera will be filming the Farmer in the for ground whilst the Woman is running to the door in the back ground.
The Woman opens the door to freedom and runs off, the camera will be shooting this in a wide shot to get the barn in, when she opens the door you will see the Farmer on the floor in pain. She will open the door and run towards the camera.
Woman running, the camera will pan out whilst she runs or we might have a tracking shot of the Woman running.
The Woman in this shot turns back to see the barn light still on the camera will be focused on the Woman as she turns around slowly to see the light.
The Farmer has now got an axe and limps after her, he also turns off the light. The camera will be filming him getting up with the axe with then a close up on his moth speaking a nursery rhyme, half way through whilst he is speaking we will see him limp away after the Woman.
The Farmer limping along after his victim, This will be short as a full body shot to show he is strong and powerful and someone to not mess around with making him look big and powerful.
The Woman has stopped running and looks around for help or a way out, the camera will be eye level and you will be able to hear her breath.
The Farmer is using a touch to see where the Woman is to kill her, The camera will show the Farmer searching for the Woman.
The Woman has fallen over a rock in this scene and struggles to get to her feet whilst the Farmer gets closer and closer, the camera will see the Woman trying to get up then to the Farmer limping over her body.
This is the end scene where the Farmer swings his axe down to her head cutting it into two half's, The camera will be placed on the ground looking up from the Woman's perspective the axe stops near the camera as that's when it blanks out to a black screen to the name of the film.